NAME OAuthHelper -- Use this tool to experience OAuth in a console. SYNOPSIS OAuthHelper [help | [ | ]] DESCRIPTION This tool lets you: * Request an OAuth token, * Have the user authorize this request token, * Exchange an authorized token for an access token * Use the access token to reach protected resources The following parameters are used: help Nothing much. See this file instead. properties A simple key/value pair file for parameters. This file will be both read and written. Initially, it needs to contain the three oauth URLs as well as your the consumer key + secrets: authorizationUrl= requestUrl= accessUrl= consumerKey=... consumerSecret=... After each step, this file will be amended with properties, such as tokens and token secrets. The last access step will also add the user id. NOTE use '' as a starting point to set up the property file. operation One of 'request', 'authorize', 'access'. Anything else will be parsed as a URL and the resource to be retrieved. CLASSPATH cmdline.jar oauth-1.4.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar httpclient-4.0-beta1.jar httpcore-4.0-beta2.jar commons-logging-1.1.jar EXAMPLES $ java net.oauth.example.cmdline.OAuthHelper request $ java net.oauth.example.cmdline.OAuthHelper authorize $ java net.oauth.example.cmdline.OAuthHelper access $ java net.oauth.example.cmdline.OAuthHelper BUGS No input validation, little error checking, so you may get exceptions if you don't follow the rules above. If you see "WARNING: Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}" that means the underlying OAuth library couldn't complete the request.