server | client

OAuth Test Server

Instructions for Use

This is a test server with a predefined static set of keys and tokens, you can make your requests using them to test your code (and mine ;)).

Your Consumer Key / Secret

Use this key and secret for all your requests.

Getting a Request Token

A successful request will return the following with new parameters returned in OAuth 2008.1:


An unsuccessful request will attempt to describe what went wrong using oauth_problem codes.


New in OAuth 2008.1

Getting an Access Token

The Request Token provided above is already authorized, you may use it to request an Access Token right away.

A successful request will return the following with new parameters returned in OAuth 2008.1:


An unsuccessful request will attempt to describe what went wrong.


New in OAuth 2008.1

New in OAuth 2008.1: Renewing an Access Token

A feature new in OAuth 2008.1 is access token renewal. When access tokens expire, you must acquire a new token using the renewal api.

A successful request will return the following:


An unsuccessful request will attempt to describe what went wrong.


Making Authenticated Calls

Using your Access Token you can make authenticated calls.

A successful request will echo the non-OAuth parameters sent to it, for example:


An unsuccessful request will attempt to describe what went wrong.


Currently Supported Signature Methods

Current signing method is: HMAC-SHA1

Further Resources

There is also a test client implementation in here.

The code running this example can be downloaded from the PHP section of the OAuth google code project: