OAUTH DEMO ========== Dependencies ------------ Perl 5.8+ CGI::Application CGI::Application::Plugin::AutoRunmode CGI::Application::Plugin::TT CGI::Application::Plugin::Session CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::YAML Net::OAuth Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA File::Slurp Data::Random LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request::Common XML::LibXML Registration ------------ You need to register your domain with Google, and generate a private key in PEM format. See: http://groups.google.com/group/oauth/browse_thread/thread/75ee6d973930c791/48f75bfdc1603b7c Installation ------------ Super simple: * Unzip files under the document root of a virtual host domain * Edit settings in config.yml ** If you have mod_rewrite, the base_url should be http://mydomain.example.com ** If not, the base_url should be http://mydomain.example.com/oauth-demo.cgi A little less simple: * Put oauth-demo.cgi under your document root (say, in a cgi-bin) * Set the OAUTH_DEMO_HOME environment variable to point to the dir containing all the other files * Edit settings in config.yml ** Your base url will be the URL to the wherever you put oauth-demo.cgi